~ Get a “feel good” sensation. This is not just a result of your endorphines kicking in. The infectious music along with the easy to follow steps creates a truly FUN and party-like atmosphere.
~ Great fat burning workout.
~ Reshape all parts of the body, including the arms, hips, heart, and MIND.
~ Break a fantastic sweat without even realizing you are exercising.
~ Lose weight - combining ZUMBA® with a sensible and well-balanced nutrition plan, can have astonishing results.
~ Fantastic core workout.
~ Great interval training. (Exercising at aerobic and anaerobic levels according to each individuals heart rate.)
Top 10 Reasons to sign up for one of our ZUMBA® classes!!
1. You will Be Surrounded by Positive Energy and will HAVE FUN AND FEEL GREAT!!!!!
2. Strengthen your heart and lungs
3. Become more coordinated
4. Increase circulation
5. Gain flexibility
6. A great escape and stress reducer
7. Tone your muscles
8.You can burn up to 1000 calories in one workout!!!!
9. Build stamina and endurance
10. You will learn many new dances from around the world!!!